UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) is the national body responsible for anti-doping and clean sport implementation in the UK. The organisation ensures sporting bodies and varying stakeholders comply with the UK Anti-Doping Policy and provides education, testing programmes, intelligence, and prosecution related to anti-doping rule violations. Breaking GB is committed to complying with UKAD Rules and the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) Code to ensure breaking, amongst other sports, protects clean sport.
UKAD Vision - Sport is clean
UKAD Mission - To protect sport from doping cheats
On this page you can find information on anti-doping, what athletes and core support personnel need to know, and how Breaking GB is working to ensure compliance. All breakers have the right to participate and compete in a clean environment and we are working hard to ensure anti-doping values are embedded in our practices and culture. Breakers should also familiarise themselves with regulations from the International Dance Sport Federation (WDSF) who govern international breaking membership and events.
Anti-Doping Rules
The anti-doping rules of Breaking GB are the rules published by UK Anti-Doping (or its successor), as amended from time to time. If you are a member of Breaking GB, then the anti-doping rules apply to you, regardless of what level you participate at. You can find the UK Anti-Doping Rules here.
Who is WADA and what is the Prohibited List?
WADA leads the world-wide collaborate effort on anti-doping. World Anti-Doping Code is a core document that forms a framework for anti-doping rules, policies and regulations for all national anti-doping bodies. WADA Prohibited List outlines what substances and method and prohibited in sport and when these rules apply. The List is updated annually and comes into force on 1st January.
What is strict liability?
You are solely responsible for anything found in your system, whether you intentionally consumed it or not or whether there was an intention to cheat. That means you should always check medications, supplements, and methods prior to using them and inform you medical personnel you are subject to UKAD anti-doping rules. Anti-doping rule violations apply even if a coach or support personnel was the one recommending use of a substance or method, the prohibited substance was not listed on a label, or the substance did not improve your performance.
Check all medications prior to use on Global DRO - global drug reference online system for medications sold in Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
What is a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE)?
In some cases athletes may be required to use medication or methods for illnesses or medical conditions which are prohibited in the WADA Prohibited List. In these cases, athletes may apply for an exemption known as a TUE to use the prohibited substance or method for therapeutic purposes when competing. TUE needs differ depending on medication, sport and competition level. You can use UKAD's TUE Wizard to guide which requirements apply.
Nutritional supplements and herbal remedies are not always safe and food first approach is preferred for complete dietary needs. Use UKAD's Supplements Hub to find information on the risks of taking supplements and how to stay vigilant when reading ingredient labels.
Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRV's)
There are 11 rule violations which all apply to athletes and some also apply to athlete support personnel and other persons. To know more about what violations are, what are the consequences, and how the testing and prosecution process works, check out UKAD Anti-Doping Rules.
Who can be tested?
Athletes can be tested at any time or place and in the UK, testing is conducted by UKAD. In events and major games, testing is conducted by the international federations, major games organisers, or International Olympic and Paralympic Committees. For information on the testing process, consult UKAD's introduction to testing page.
100% Me
UKAD's education and information programme for athletes, 100% is about passion, respect, integrity, determination and enjoyment helping you make the right choices. Find more about the programme and downloadable application here.
For any further information which is not covered on this page or UKAD website, please contact:
UK Anti-Doping
Office hours: Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm.
Phone: +44 (0)20 7842 3450